Re: Oxynoe sp.4 from nthn Mariana Islands

April 18, 2008
From: Takao Urasawa

Concerning message #20565:

Dear Dr.Bill,
Here are three pictures of Oxynoe sp. 4. I saw one more animal, same size, at same place.

Locality: LauLau Beach, 6 m, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, Pacific Ocean, 30 December 2007, on the Rock where algae grow. Length: 5 mm. Photographer: Takao Urasawa.

Best regards,

Takao Urasawa, 2008 (Apr 18) Re: Oxynoe sp.4 from nthn Mariana Islands. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Ura,

This species has a very distinctive colour pattern. I have included a close-up alongside because it shows the typical shape of the rhinophores with a groove along the outside which draws water into the mantle cavity, which is inside the enclosed shell. At the bottom right of the photo, we can see the opening of the tube-like exhalent siphon which funnels water out of the mantle cavity.

Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2008 (Apr 18). Comment on Re: Oxynoe sp.4 from nthn Mariana Islands by Takao Urasawa. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Oxynoe sp. 4

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