Re: Gymnodoris rubropapulosa feeding
January 15, 2009
From: Toh Chay Hoon

Concerning message #21507:
Dear Dr Bill,
here's another photo of Gymnodoris rubropapulosa caught in acton of feeding during my recent dive at Pulau Hantu.
I would love to see if it can really finish the bigger prey but unfortunately I was running low on air.
Locality: Pulau Hantu, 7m, Singapore, South China Sea, 20 December 2008, Silty substrate. Length: 25 mm. Photographer: Toh Chay Hoon.
Toh Chay Hoon
Toh C.H., 2009 (Jan 15) Re: Gymnodoris rubropapulosa feeding. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Chay Hoon,
It certainly seems that the hunting response in some of these 'hunting' nudibranchs (Gymnodoris, Roboastra ) is triggered by 'taste' or 'smell' and size is not taken into consideration. We tell children who take to much food that there 'eyes are bigger than their stomachs' but I guess since the eyes of these nudibranchs can't actually see images they can't judge when their target is inappropriately large.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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