Nembrotha milleri from Verde Island (Philippines).
December 7, 2009
From: Vie Panyarachun

Concerning message #20975:
Dear Dr. Rudman,
I saw these Nembrotha milleri (attempting to mate) back in 2004. Thought you might like a record of this species from the Philippines. Apologies for the poor quality of the images - they were "captured" from a low resolution video.
Locality: "Drop Off," Verde Island, 12 metres, Batangas, The Philippines, Verde Island Passage, 22 June 2004, reef. Photographer: Vie Panyarachun.
Panyarachun, V., 2009 (Dec 7) Nembrotha milleri from Verde Island (Philippines).. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Vie,
Thanks for these photos. In the labelled copy of your photo alongside I have ringed the everted penis [p] and the probable ascidian colony of Sigillina signifera [f - see message #2799] that they were probably eating before they were distracted. The organ I am calling the 'penis' is in fact much more than that as it has a the female genital opening attached much as we can see in Brian Francisco's earlier message #20525 .
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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