Gymnodoris rubropapulosa? from Singapore
March 14, 2002
From: John Yap Yee Kee

Hi Bill,
Here's a couple of shots I took at the south islands of Singapore yesterday {March, 2002].
Though I'm pretty sure it's the Gymnodoris rubropapulosa, the pale color of it's rhinophores cast a lingering doubt. And it wasn't moving as fast as described in your messages. In fact, I waited for a shot with a different posture, but could only settle for a different angle.
John Yap,
Yap Yee Kee, John, 2002 (Mar 14) Gymnodoris rubropapulosa? from Singapore. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from John,
Yes this is Gymnodoris rubropapulosa. Sometimes there is no orange on the rhinophores. Concerning its 'sluggishness' - even though gymnodorids are 'hunters' and can move at times quite quickly, they also spend a lot of time meditating.
Bill Rudman
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