Flabellina from Cape Verde Islands
August 26, 2003
From: Gérard Breton

Dear Bill,
Here is another message from my dive trip between 22 - 30 March 2003 to two islands of the Cape Verde archipelago: Sal and Fogo.
From Sal, Puntinha, - 10m, on rocks. I have no idea of the ID of this aeolid which I have seen only once.
Best wishes.
Gérard Breton
Breton, G., 2003 (Aug 26) Flabellina from Cape Verde Islands. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/10756Dear Gerard,
This certainly looks like a species of Flabellina. Ther are two species described from Cape Verde Islands. One of these, Flabellina llerae, has lamellate rhinophores, like your specimen, but has a deep purple body, and reddish tips to the cerata. Another species described from Cape Verde Ids, Flabellina bulbosa Ortea & Espinosa, 1998, has reddish-purple ceratal rings like your animal but the rhinophores are thins and slightly wrinkled. As its name suggests, the basal region of the oral tentacles is very swollen.
Hopefully someone with local knowledge can help us with an identification,
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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