Another Mediterranean mystery
October 22, 1999
From: Erwin Koehler

Note added 13 October 2009: This is possibly Geitodoris planata. See message #22699
Dear Bill,
Here is another of Daniel Geiger's photos which we are not sure of the identification.
Daniel thinks it might be Onchidoris inconspicua but I think this one looks different.
It is from Southern France, Ile de Bendor, July 1990.
Koehler, E., 1999 (Oct 22) Another Mediterranean mystery. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Erwin,
I'll leave this to a local expert. It seems to have caryophyllidia over its mantle, like in species of Jorunna, but that may be an illusion.
Can anyone help us with an identification?
Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B., 1999 (Oct 22). Comment on Another Mediterranean mystery by Erwin Koehler. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Unknown Onchidoris from Scapa Flow, Scotland
From: Ian Smith, December 2, 2009 -
Re: Another Mediterranean mystery
From: Marina Poddubetskaia Ossokine, October 13, 2009 -
Re: Discodoris stellifera? from the Mediterranean
From: Philip Cromwell, October 12, 2009 -
Re: Discodoris stellifera? from the Mediterranean
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Re: Discodoris stellifera? from the Mediterranean
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Re: Unidentified dorid from Mediterranean France
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Re: Unknown species from Norway
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Re: Another Mediterranean Mystery
From: Bernard Picton, September 24, 2000 -
Re: Unknown dorid from Croatia
From: Juan Lucas Cervera, July 10, 2000 -
Unknown dorid from Croatia
From: Erwin Koehler, July 2, 2000