Elysia translucens from southern France
June 8, 2001
From: Jean-Pierre Bielecki

Hello Bill
Here is another species which needs identification. Thanks again for your help.
Sacoglossa - Elysia ?
Date: 27 may 2001
Place: France - Cap d'Antibes
Dive site: Le Grand Boule
Depth: 21m
Size: 15mm
Best wishes,
Bielecki, J-P., 2001 (Jun 8) Elysia translucens from southern France. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/4506Dear Jean-Pierre,
This is a very transparent Elysia. I suspect it is one of those species which keeps the chloroplasts from its algal food alive in ite body. [see Solar-powered sea slugs]. My guess would be that it is Elysia translucens Pruvot-Fol 1957 which is known in the Mediterranean from Banyuls and Corsica to the Adriatic and Aegean.
I would however be grateful for confirmation of this identity from someone who knows the Mediterranean fauna.
• Bouchet, P. (1984) Les Elysiidae de Mediterranee. Annales de l'Institut Oceanographique, Paris, 60(1): 19-28.
• Thompson, T.E. (1981) Taxonomy of three misunderstood opisthobranchs from the northern Adriatic Sea. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 47(1): 73-79.
• Thompson, T.E., Jaklin, A. (1988) Eastern Mediterranean Opisthobranchia: Elysiidae (Sacoglossa = Ascoglossa). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 54: 59-69.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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