Scyllaea pelagica in my aquarium
October 17, 2003
From: Manuel Marquez

Good Morning
I would just like to send this one again because in my last message I did not put enought information for you. I took a pic of this suspected sea slug, I dont think that its a nudi but not to sure. Are you able to help me with an ID off it and what food do they eat and what type of area are they found? I did not buy it he was in my live rock.
thank you with any help.
Adelaide, Australia
Marquez, M., 2003 (Oct 17) Scyllaea pelagica in my aquarium. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Manuel,
As a general rulel, I need some background information, especially when the photo is not too detailed, so I have chance of identifying the animal. Most nudibranchs only live in one part of the world so if I know where the animal in your photo comes from I can make better guess at what it is.
You still haven't told me where the 'live rock' comes from so I guess I still haven't much to go on. I have enlarged your photo a bit and I am pretty sure it is the southern Australian form of Scyllaea pelagica. It is usually found living in the open sea attached to floating kelp and other brown sea weed. It feeds on small hydroids which live of the sea weeds. I don't think it would be very easy to keep in a aquarium as its hydroid food are very difficult to keep alive in captivity
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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