Scyllaea pelagica from Florida
December 24, 1999
From: Anne DuPont

Hi Bill,
Just wanted to share with you this Sargassum nudibranch I photographed yesterday. This time of the year we find these little critters floating in the sargassum weed. He was about 3/4 inches long. Do you know what the "white stuff" is on him? I could not see it with the naked eye. Photo taken Boca Raton, Florida, Dec. 21, 1999 .
Happy Holidays,
DuPont, A., 1999 (Dec 24) Scyllaea pelagica from Florida. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Anne,
Thanks for the photo. I think the white bands and streaks alongside the dark brown is just part of the colour pattern. I have seen larger specimens of Melibe with white patches, although smaller animals don't seem to have them.
However the fine white 'hairs' you can see on the inside of the parapodial flaps and on its back behind the second blue spot are fine, sometimes branched, papillae normally considered to be secondary gills.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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