Scyllaea pelagica from Brac Island, Adriatic sea
October 3, 2002
From: Adam Petrusek

Dear Dr. Rudman,
I would like to find out what this amazing "seasnail" is.
The length of the animal was about 6 cm and it was caught on September 9th near Sumartin, island Brac, Croatia, Adriatic sea. It was either hauled with a seaweed from the depth of 25-30 m or swept to the shore with a seaweed. (We do not exactly know as it was actually found while cleaning some sampling equipment at the shore. The UW photo was taken while releasing this individual.)
We could not see any remainders of the shell. The numerous "polyp-like" white protubernaces on the dorsal side of the animal were quite distinct.
Thank you very much for your help.
Aadm Petrusek
Department of Hydrobiology,
Charles Univerisy, Prague
Thanks Adam,
I have posted another message about the same slug recently found in Turkey. It is Scyllaea pelagica which is normally found living on drift brown algae in the open sea. It feeds on hydroids growing on the algae. I would guess that your animal probably carried ashore on a clump of algae. However Baki Yokes, in his message about the Turkish animals, reports that the animal were crawling on the sea bottom, which raises the possibility that in the Mediteranean region there is a non-'pelagic' form of the species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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