Elysia rufescens from Hawaii
August 10, 1999
From: Juan Lucas Cervera
Dear Bill:
There are one species of Elysia from Hawaii which exact name I don't know, E. rubescens or rubesfens, or some thing like this. Could you supply me more information about it? Thanks.
Cervera, J.L., 1999 (Aug 10) Elysia rufescens from Hawaii. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/1165
Dear Lucas,
I guess you mean Pterogasteron rufescens Pease, 1871. I have scanned a copy of the figs Plate 22, figs 1a,b,c, alongside. It was 1.25 inches long. Found at Tahiti.
Alison Kay identifies a species from Hawaii as Elysia rufescens (Pease 1871) and describes it as:
"11mm, dark red maculated with spots of creamy green which impart a reticulated appearance to the animal, parapodia margined in orange, rhinophores dark red tipped with purple".
* Kay, E.A. (1979)- Hawaiian Marine Shells, Bishop Museum Special Publication 64(4). Bishop Museum Press: Honolulu. p454.
* Pease, W.H. (1871). Descriptions of Nudibranchiate Mollusca inhabiting Polynesia. American Journal of Conchology,6(4): 299-305.
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