Elysia rufescens from Reunion Island
June 22, 2006
From: Hugues Flodrops

Dear Bill,
I found this Elysia at Reunion Island, Indian Ocean. Is it Elysia ornata or E. rufescens? I ask the same question of Philibert Bidgrain but it seems this is the first record of this species from Indian Ocean. Can you identify this from a single photo?
Locality: Tour de Boucan, 12-15 metres, Reunion Island, Indian Ocean, 3 August 2003, Temp: 24 degrees C. Length: 40 mm. Photographer: Flodrops Hugues.
Best regards,
Flodrops, H, 2006 (Jun 22) Elysia rufescens from Reunion Island. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/16935Dear Hugues,
This is E. rufescens, which has been rarely reported from the western side of the Indian Ocean. In fact the only record I can find is Terry Gosliner's report of a single animal from the Indian Ocean coast of Sth Africa (Gosliner, 1987).
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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