Elysia rufescens? from sthn Queensland
March 13, 2007
From: Eva McClure

I am an Honours student at the University of Queensland conducting a study on nudibranchs. This specimen was collected (by someone other than myself) off Stradbroke Island. I was hoping that someone may be able to assist me in its identification?
Locality: Stradbroke Island, unknown, Queensland, Australia, Pacific Ocean, 05 March 2007, rocky reef,. Length: 30mm. Photographer: Eva McClure.
Many Thanks,
Dear Eva,
I would be interested to know what your Honours project is about. Who knows? - someone may be able to help you. This animal is not a nudibranch, but a sacoglossan sea slug. I suspect it is a reddish form of Elysia rufescens, but would be interested to know whether anyone else has seen a colour form like this, or thinks it is a different species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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