New record of Thuridilla livida from the GBR
February 2, 2005
From: Ingo Burghardt

Dear Bill,
Happy New Year 2005 and thank you for opening the Forum again! Congratulation! :-)
I've noticed that that there was no record of Thuridilla livida from the Great Barrier Reef. Here it is: I've found one specimen of Thuridilla livida in the shallow waters of Bird Island. As far as I can tell there was no photosynthetic activity measurable (by Diving-PAM), so either this species is not able to retain living chloroplasts or it just keeps them photosynthetic active for a short period of time...
Locality: Bird Island (Lizard Is. Group, Great Barrier Reef). Australia, Coral Sea. Depth: 1-2 m. Length: 14 mm. 18 August 2004. Intertidal, between coral rubble. Photographer: Ingo Burghardt
Burghardt, I., 2005 (Feb 2) New record of Thuridilla livida from the GBR. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Ingo,
It's nice to get a record from this part of the IWP.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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