Thuridilla livida from SE Sulawesi
November 24, 2005
From: Linda Ianniello

Dr. Bill,
I believe this is a Thuridilla livida from SE Sulawesi. I see that you don't have very many images of this species.
Locality: Outer Pinnacle dive site, Hoga Island, SE Sulawesi. Indonesia, November 5, 2005. Coral wall. Photographer: Linda Ianniello
Linda I.
Ianniello, L., 2005 (Nov 24) Thuridilla livida from SE Sulawesi. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Linda,
Thanks for another record. As I often say the more photos we get, the better idea we have of variation in a species. Your photo is interesting because it shows the blue pigmentation arrange in a series of elongate patches, rather than a continuous, supporting Skip Pierce's earlier comments about the 'mobility' of some elysiid pigments. It;s alos clear from your photo that the background colour of the animal rather than being described as dark brown or black is better described as translucent grey with a distinct greenish tinge from the internal digestive gland.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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