Thuridilla livida with egg mass
June 15, 2001
From: Lindsay Warren

Dear Bill
Thought you might be interested in this shot of a Thuridilla livida which laid this egg mass while in one of our temporary holding dishes. It was found by Guillermo Moreno on 17 September 1999 at 4pm at a depth of 4 m on Pulau Hoga, Tukang Besi Archipelago, S.E. Sulawesi (Operation Wallacea). Size: 7 mm. Photo: Lindsay Warren.
All the best
Warren, L. , 2001 (Jun 15) Thuridilla livida with egg mass. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Lindsay,
A very useful addition to the Forum and the identifiable egg mass is indeed a bonus
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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