Plakobranchus ocellatus from Vietnam?
July 13, 2006
From: Mike Krampf

Can you ID this one? Is it Plakobranchus ocellatus? Sorry for the poor quality pic
Locality: Dive Site - Bai Su off Whale Island, 35 feet, North of Nha Trang, Vietnam, South China Sea, 28 June 2006, Boulders near shoreline with lots of silt. Length: 3-4 cm. Photographer: Mike Krampf.
Krampf, M., 2006 (Jul 13) Plakobranchus ocellatus from Vietnam?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Mike,
At present only one species, P. ocellatus is generally recognised. If later studies do show there is more than one species, yours is the one with distinctively bluish purple tips to the rhinophores [See Atsushi Ono's variation E - message #13983 ].
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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