Blue-bellied plakobranchs
June 14, 2000
From: Mary Jane Adams

Dear Bill,
All the Plakobranchus I have seen in Papua New Guinea look like the ones in Lindsay Warren's photo from Sulawesi. They are olive green with light spots and black rhinophores. They do not have the ocellated pattern I always see in photos labeled Plakobranchus ocellatus. The foot on the Plakobranchs in my photos from Milne Bay and New Hanover varies from cream colored to bright blue.
#39863 Luadi, Milne Bay, length=28mm, depth= 5 meters, March 26, 1998
#50012 Luadi, Milne Bay, depth=5 meters, May 18, 2000
Best regards,
Mary Jane
Adams, M.J., 2000 (Jun 14) Blue-bellied plakobranchs. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Mary Jane,
It would probably be interesting to compare the anatomy of the different colour forms of Plakobranchus, and there are a few names that have been given to different colour forms, but at present the general feeling is that there is only one widespread species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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