Re: original description of Plakobranchus
January 25, 1999
From: Bill Rudman

I have found a copy of the original description in Dutch which Richard Willan referred to in his message about the spelling of Plakobranchus. I accept that Placobranchus is an error and think I have changed all the spellings of the name on the Forum, except in the "messages". Except for my typing errors, I don't plan to alter published messages. In that way, they can be used and cited in other publications.
Out of interest I have included photos of three unpublished illustrations of van Hasselt's which were lent to me by Bob Burn, who has copies from the Leiden Museum, Holland. The upper one is of a dissected specimen showing the reproductive system and the ducts of the digestive gland. In his original description, van Hasselt gives a lengthy description of the anatomy of Plakobranchus, and in particular, the reproductive system.
Bill Rudman.
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