Paradoris dubia from Eyre Peninsula [2]
January 11, 2007
From: Bill Rudman

Here is another example of Paradoris dubia from South Australia. This one shows the scattered glandular pustules very well. As I show in the sketch of a living animal from my field notes, each rounded pustule is surrounded by two rings of glands which radiate out from the pustule. The inner glands are short, usually opaque and very close to the surface of the skin. The longer outer glands are more deeply embedded in the skin and often not noticeable except through a microscope. These glands exude a milky white secretion when irritated. The inner glands can sometimes be covered with a fine dusting of orange brown specks so that each compound gland can consist of a brownish inner ring and a grey outer ring
Locality: Billy Light's Point, Port Lincoln, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. intertidal, under rock. 15 December 1985. 5 specimens ranging in length from 21 - 28 mm alive. AM C145149. Photo: Bill Rudman
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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