Paradoris dubia from Eyre Peninsula [1]
January 11, 2007
From: Bill Rudman

Here are photos of 3 specimens of Paradoris dubia from intertidal collections at Louth Bay, Eyre Peninsula. They were collected on a month long field trip I did with Ian Loch and Geoff Avern to South Australia. From memory it was the day after someone had been killed by a Great White Shark in the next bay and we thought that even intertidal collecting was quite brave at the time.
Location: Warna Point, Louth Bay, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. intertidal, under mid-tidal rocks. 11 February 1985. 11 specimens ranging in length from 31 - 12 mm alive. Photographed specimens approximately 25 mm long. AM C145110. Photos: Bill Rudman
These photos show the range of colour variation in the species. One constant feature which I will discuss in a separate message are the grayish rings which surround a slightly raised pustule.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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