Flabellina pedata from Sweden
March 30, 2007
From: Bjarke Neidel

Concerning message #934:
Though this thread is quite old, I still fail to find any photos of the Coryphella pedata on this site. If you are still interested I have a shot that I am quite sure is of this species. It is taken of the Swedish west-coast.
Locality: Väderöarna, ~6 metres, Sweden, Skagerrak, 21 October 2006. Length: ~40 mm. Photographer: Bjarke Neidel.
Bjarke Neidel
Neidel, B, 2007 (Mar 30) Flabellina pedata from Sweden. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/19456
Dear Bjarke,
Thanks for the photo. As I mention in an earlier message [#1166], I follow most authors in considering Flabellina and Coryphella to be part of the same genus. There are quite a few photos of ' Coryphella' pedata on the Forum - as Flabellina pedata. If you can't find a name you are looking for in the Forum Species List then try the Forum Search box. Usually an old name like Coryphella pedata will be mentioned in an earlier message or a Fact Sheet so you should be able to trace what you are after. Another way, which I use all the time when I am looking for things on the Forum, is to search for the species part of the name - pedata - and see if it is present.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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