Flabellina pedata and others? from Turkey (1)
October 27, 2001
From: Baki Yokes

I have photos of a number of different specimens that all look like Flabellina pedata to me. Are these also F. pedata?
UPPER RIGHT: Bodrum, Turkey. January 1997
Divesite: Big Reef, Depth: 14m, Size: 35mm.
LOWER RIGHT: Istanbul, Turkey. 7 October 2001. Divesite: Yassiada, Depth: 22m
Size: 25 mm
PHOTOS: Baki Yokes
Best regards
Yokes, B., 2001 (Oct 27) Flabellina pedata and others? from Turkey (1). [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/5359Dear Baki,
Some more very interesting photos. I have split your photos up into three separate messages. I think these two are probably Flabellina pedata. The rhinophores appear to be smooth and only the anterior cluster of cerata appear to have a common base or stalk.
In a separate message I have put a group of your photos I think are probably Flabellina ischitana, and in another message I have put a photo I can't identify with any certainty.
I would be grateful for some thoughts from some of you more familiar with the Mediterranean fauna.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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