Curious specimen of Flabellina pedata
March 26, 2008
From: Miquel Pontes

Dear Bill,
We came across this specimen of Flabellina pedata in our last dive. I was surprised to discover a bifurcated oral tentacle.
I don't know whether this is common or not, nor if it is a genetic anomaly that can be seen in other species, but I found it to be curious and wanted to share this with the forum readers.
Locality: Platja de Caials, Cadaqués, Costa Brava, 12 metres, Spain, Mediterranean Sea, 27 october 2007, Rocky precoraligen bottom. Length: 15 mm.. Photographer: Miquel Pontes.
Best regards
Miquel Pontes
Pontes, M., 2008 (Mar 26) Curious specimen of Flabellina pedata. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Miquel,
I assume it's a developmental abnormality, but surprisingly, if you look at the Abnormalities page. you will see we already have two examples of F. pedata with the same anomaly.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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