Euselenops luniceps from Papua New Guinea
June 18, 2001
From: Mary Jane Adams

Hi Bill,
I found this Euselenops luniceps near Bunama Mission, Normanby Island, Papua New Guina, the same divesite as the Melibe mirifica and the Kalinga ornata I have previously sent you. The divesite is a silty-sandy bay with a wide shelf which slopes gently to seven meters, then drops off steeply. All three of these slugs were observed actively hunting at night in shallow water.
I know these slugs are not closely related, however, they all have wide oral veils with sensory papilla and they appeared to be hunting the same type of prey in essentially the manner. They all looked like they were feeling their way across the sand with the papillae on their oral veils. Kalinga and Euselenops were speed demons compared to the
sluggish Melibe. Euselenops changed directions frequently, apparently in response to finding prey. There are a large number of crustaceans on the sand here at night and I think that is what they were all hunting.
Length: about 50 mm, Depth: 3-4 meters, March 11, 1999
Best regards,
Mary Jane
Adams, M.J., 2001 (Jun 18) Euselenops luniceps from Papua New Guinea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Mary Jane,
Thanks for the interesting observations. These burrowing animals all have similar adaptations for hunting their prey. I have watched Melibe enveloping and swallowing small crustaceans. It would be great to factually catch the other two in the act.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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