Euselenops luniceps - mating and swimming
March 14, 2002
From: Akos Lumnitzer

Hi Bill,
After many years of searching for these gorgeous Pleurobranchs, we saw not one but perhaps a couple of dozen at Camp Cove in Sydney Harbour on a night dive in January this year [2002].
I touched one accidentally and found that it swam like some Aplysiids and our old favourite, Hexabranchus sanguineus . I only read later on the species' pages from another Sydney diver's message that yes, Euselenops luniceps can indeed swim. I managed one reasonable shot. Also the pair of them mating may be of interest to you. All were out on the open sandy, shell grit-covered bottom crawling around at a moderate speed. (I am not sure about the speed in micro km/hr though)
Lumnitzer, A., 2002 (Mar 14) Euselenops luniceps - mating and swimming. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Ákos,
I'll forgive your unscientific speed reading in return for the wonderful photo of it swimming. It reminds be a bit of the European pleurobramch Pleurobranchus membranaceus, but in that species it swims upside down, flapping its large extended foot and letting its mantle hang limp.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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