Euselenops luniceps from Japan
October 27, 2002
From: Tomohiko Kurihara

Dear Bill.
I found Euselenops luniceps crawling on a sandy bottom at Osezaki, Izu-peninsula, Japan. It is very rare in Japan, but single animals have been seen some years at Osezaki.
Upper Photo: Animal with bifid left rhinophore. Length 80mm, Depth 12m at night diving. September, 2002.
Lower Left: Close-up of bifid rhinophore.
Lower Right: Mating pair. Length 80mm depth 8m at night. September, 2002.
Photos: Tomohiko Kurihara
The first time I found these animals one of them had a strange left rhinophore, with a bifid tip, and the left side of the head was missing. 10 days later I identified the same animal again by its strange rhinophore. I was very surprised to see that the left side of the head had regrown after only 10 days! In a separate message I have sent some information on it feeding and swimming.
Best regards,
Tomohiko Kurihara
Dear Tomohiko,
Thanks for these interesting photos, and for the information on how quickly it was able to regrow the side of its head. We have very little information on how quickly sea slugs can regenerate parts of their body.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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