Another species? of Plakobranchus
March 25, 2000
From: Lindsay Warren

Dear Bill
I first found this Plakobranchus (OWN47) during 1998. However, the photos here are just two of 41 found last season between May and November 1999 on small sand slopes in the walls of Pulau Hoga and occasionally on Pulau Kaledupa [Tukang Besi Archipelago, SE Sulawesi, Indonesia - Operation Wallacea]. Size: 25 - 50 mm.
I have normally found them in pairs or groups of up to 8 in a very small area (40 cm sq) with their heads buried in the sand. Initially, from a distance of 6 ft, I thought it was only a detached piece of encrusted sea grass but I just happened to flip one over with my fin and saw the striking blue underside to the foot running along its entire length which is characteristic of this species. The upper part of the body and parapodia are olive green covered in white spots of varying size. The head tends to be more brown with larger white spots. The rhinophores are simple, pointed with white or beige lower half and black upper half. On one occasion I found a pair getting closer together and ending up curled round each other for some time - presumably mating. Sadly I did not have my camera with me.
I don't think it could be P. ocellata as there is no mention of the blue foot in descriptions I have read and the parapodia markings are quite different as are the rhinophore colours. Do you know this one?
All the best
Lindsay Warren
Warren, L., 2000 (Mar 25) Another species? of Plakobranchus. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Lindsay,
I do know this animal but my understanding is that it is considered a colour form of Plakobranchus ocellatus. I am not an expert on these sacoglossans so I will leave any further comment on their identity. Hopefully someone can help us out.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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