Placobranchus mating behaviour
December 30, 1998
From: Erwin Koehler

Dear Bill,
Here is a photo of Placobranchus ocellatus, [Panglao Is., Philippines, Nov 1998] shortly before mating. They met and hurried fast around one another, forming the shown knot.
By the way should the spelling be Placobranchus or Plakobranchus?
Koehler, E., 1998 (Dec 30) Placobranchus mating behaviour. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Erwin,
Anyone else with observations on Placobranchus mating like this?
Concerning the spelling. My understanding is that Bergh introduced the spelling "Plakobranchus" in 1871, 50 years after van Hasselt used "Placobranchus". While there may be good grammatical grounds for changing the spelling to "Plak-" it seems to me that such pedantry should not be allowed to overrule the basic Rule of Nomenclature that most of us follow, that the first spelling should be retained wherever possible. I see no good reason why Plakobranchus should replace the original and usual spelling "Placobranchus". Any views or arguments welcome.
Rudman, W.B., 1998 (Dec 30). Comment on Placobranchus mating behaviour by Erwin Koehler. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
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Re: Plakobranchus ocellatus from Vietnam?
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Plakobranchus ocellatus from the Philippines
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Re: Plakobranchus ocellatus kind of mating
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Re: Plakobranchus ocellatus variation
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Re: original description of Plakobranchus
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Re: Plakobranchus mating
From: Erwin Koehler, January 25, 1999 -
Re: Placo- or Plakobranchus?
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