Dendronotus subramosus from Monterey, CA
September 9, 2005
From: Clinton Bauder

Hi Bill,
I think this one is Dendronotus subramosus with a possible food hydroid all living on the puffball sponge Tethya aurantia. The location was quite fortuitous as it provided the necessary contrast for me to see this rather cryptic beast. Size was about 10mm and depth about 18 meters on the Shale Beds off of Del Monte Beach. The picture was taken by my friend Mike Jimenez.
Locality: Monterey, California, USA. Depth: 18 meters. Length: 10 mm. 8 July 2005. Shale. Photographer: Mike Jimenez
Bauder, C., 2005 (Sep 9) Dendronotus subramosus from Monterey, CA. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Clinton,
I will be interested in some expert opinion. I understand that this is a very variably coloured species, but I don't know if this falls within the variability. I can't see any hydroids in your photo. Dendronotus subramosus is reported to feed on the feathery hydroid Aglaophenia
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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