Dendronotus frondosus from Canada
October 30, 2000
From: Marli Wakeling

I think this is a Dendronotus frondosus, but it was so tiny, it was difficult to determine. There were many of these in the spring in Howe Sound and at Orlabar Point, British Columbia, Canada. They were usually on hydroids.
Marli Wakeling
Wakeling, M., 2000 (Oct 30) Dendronotus frondosus from Canada. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Marli,
Could you include some indication of size with your interesting photos? To some of us 'tiny' would suggest 2-3mm while to a Sea Hare enthusiast 'tiny' would mean 5-10cm!
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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