Bushy-backed Sea Slug behaviour
July 20, 2005
From: Herb Segars

I photographed this bushy-backed sea slug on an artificial reef site off New Jersey. I was curious about the bubble-like appendages on the topside and the underside of the sea slug. Can anyone tell me what they are?
Locality: Axel Carlson Artificial Reef, site Veronica M, New Jersey, USA
Atlantic Ocean. Depth: 65 feet. Length: 2.5 inches. 15 July 2005. artificial reef tugboat deck, on blue mussels. Photographer: Herb Segars
Herb Segars
Segars, Herb, 2005 (Jul 20) Bushy-backed Sea Slug behaviour. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/14280Dear Herb,
I guess this is Dendronotus frondosus but as yu will see on the Dendronotus cf frondosus page, there is stll some puzzles concerning the identity of these animals on the Atlantic coast of Nth Americal. The swollen whitish bit on the top of the animal is in the region of the heart and it seems as though the animal may be a bit damaged. The 'bubble' at the front end - underneath - loos like the oral tube everted out from the mouth. It could be a healthy activity - everted for feeding - or it could be another sign of a problem. These animals when 'sick' often evert the foregut and if parts of the body wall become damaged, parts of the viscera push out throught the weakened part of the body. I don't know if that is what is happening here, but I assume it is an unusual sight for you, so it is the most likely answer.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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