Re: Dendronotus frondosus? from British Columbia
September 24, 2007
From: Jackie Hildering & Louisa Bates

Hello Bill,
This "find" was the result of seaweed being collected for addition to a marine tank at the Whale Intepretive Centre in Telegraph Cove. I believe it to be Dendronotus frondosus.
The interpreter at the Centre, Louisa Bates, noticed the nudibranch on the seasac on August 15th at the surface of the tank. She believes it may have been accidently brought into the tank around August 13th when they collected seaweed in the intertidal zone.
Locality: Telegraph Cove, 0 feet, British Columbia, Canada, Pacific Ocean, 15 August 2007, In a marine aquarium . Length: +/- 4 cm. Photographer: Jackie Hildering.
She observed the animal next to the egg mass on the sea sac and recalls that there was nothing on the seasac when she collected it for the tank. So . . . some possibility they are the mass of D. frondosus seen it is highly unlikely any other nudibranchs were in the tank.
Since I did not have my underwater camera with me, we quickly photographed the animal and the mass as you see them in the photo, prior to releasing them.
Hope it is of interest.
Jackie Hildering
Bates, L. & Hildering, J., 2007 (Sep 24) Re: Dendronotus frondosus? from British Columbia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Hi Jackie and Louisa,
Well, not only is it pretty obvious who the eggs belong to, but the eggs do look like those of D. frondosus which is what your critter certainly is.
Thanks for sharing,
Dave Behrens
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