Re: New England Dendronotus
June 29, 2001
From: Jussi Evertsen

Dear Bill and Paul Young
From the pictures given in Paul's message, I also agree that it cannot be a D. robustus. D. robustus has a extremly well developed velum (See: G. O. Sars 1878, tab. 28 - as D. velifer for a good drawing), and my own observations on the species are from muddy localities from Spitsbergen. Unfortunately I do not have any good photos of the species, since my frames when photographying in situ have been too small! I have though attached two pictures of D. frondosus, one brown speckled and one all white, both types quite common in Norwegian fjords, both animals found at shallow depths here at the Biological Station in Trondheim measuring approximately 8 cm in length. Other observations on D. frondosus have shown a great variety in colour, from all black to sulphur yellow, to the most extreme gold speckled juvenile forms. So as to the colour, it does vary a great deal, and from both the pictures of Paul Young [message 1, message 2] I would from own experience regard them more related to D. frondosus.
I hope this is of some use.
Yours sincerely
Jussi Evertsen
Evertsen, J., 2001 (Jun 29) Re: New England Dendronotus. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Jussi,
This is exactly the information we need - some field observations of living animals from someone who knows the species. Unless someone disagrees I think I'll move both of Paul's 'species' to a Dendronotus cf. frondosus page.
The yellow spots on your reddish-brown animal ceratainly suggest a link to the spots in Paul's photos.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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